Last week Martin Williams, Technical Director for Marine and Coastal Risk Management, attended the 2nd Copernicus Climate Change Symposium on Climate Services for the Energy Sector. The two-day event was held at the prestigious French Ministry for an Ecological and Solidary Transition (la Defense) in Paris and was attended by over 100 researchers, academics, students and consultants.
Image: Le Defense, Paris
Symposium overview
The symposium aimed to showcase the work conducted by the Clim4Energy et European Climatic Energy Mixes (ECEM) demonstrator projects, which are part of the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). During the event delegates were able to:
Connect with experts in the sectors of energy and climate
Participate in the demonstrator 'hands-on' sessions and explore the climate and energy data it provides access to
Discover through case studies how access to climate information can improve an organisation's ability to cope with extreme climate scenarios
Other C3S projects
An opportunity to introduce the delegates to other C3S demonstrators was also provided. I was kindly invited by the Met Office to present JBA Consulting’s current CS2 contract which examines the impact of climate change on marine operations using our metocean risk management software, ForeCoast® Marine. Case study examples from Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm and the Port of Tyne were presented.
Providing much food for thought the event highlighted the importance of effective project dissemination not only to the experts but also to the non-experts who will be faced with the challenges that future changes in the climate will bring.
Learn more
If you’d like to learn more about the work that we are conducting on the impact of climate change on marine operations, please contact email Martin Williams.
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